Showing posts with label rtag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rtag. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 22, 2010



!TEXT= Eclipse & CVS

(Main branch - Head/Trunk)
When branching off a development stream, it is often advisable to rebase before merging the branch back to the main branch. To rebase means to merge the contents of the main branch to the subbranch. If any conflicts are to be resolved, they are done on the subbranch rather than the main branch. If the merge goes well, the subbranch is merged to the main branch. After having previously resolved all merge conflicts, this last merge would be a trivial one. The advantage of taking the extra rebase step is that it avoids having conflicts on the main branch.

!TEXT= Installation (Wiki)

!TEXT= Creating repositories (first steps)

*** Creating a repository (on the CVS server):
(On Linux server you will need to configure [x]inetd (Network services to support cvs service) - config file;
update /home//.bash_profile for
export CVSROOT

cvs -d init

*** import a project (a set of files) as is (keeps folder structure).
*** (uploads files from your local directory into server's repository)

cvs -d import vendor_tag release_tag
(see example below)
After this you may delete the source (client) directory (from which files were
imported into server repository) and get it by checkout module (normally into a different folder)
--- now you get the code under CVS control (simple import does not get it under CVS control -
only copies folder(s)/files to the server).

mkdir temp/example
cd temp/example
1. $ cvs -d /var/was/cvsroot import example example_project ver_0-1

2. C:\tmp\unix>cvs -d c:/cvs/my_repository/ import test_project test_project_vendor rel-1

The files are stored as a collection of RCS files (file,v)
# server repository on same as client machine

mkdir new_proj_2 <== that will be new project to be imported
cd new_proj_2

cvs -d /CVS/cvs_server_repository import -m "Creating a new project" new_proj_2_module avendor arelease

the repository will receive the whole folder structure with files from C:\CVS\cvs_client_repository\new_proj_2
the module will be "new_proj_2_module".

!TEXT= Creating a module

*** creaging a module (a mapping (alias) between a [module] name and top folder

checkout CVSROOT module in a folder (you will get all the CVS system files),
update modules file: add the line

module_1 fresh_one

where fresh_one is the top folder of a folder structure

your are done.

In CVS clients you need to check out module_1 to get the fresh_one/...... files.

in Eclipse, you will see under the HEAD both fresh_one folder and module_1 which are its alias.

!TEXT= Authenticating (pserver, problems with CVSNT on local)

What worked for me:
Windows 2000 Workstation; CVSNT (2.0.51d)
Created update the %CVSROOT%/CVSROOT/passwd file (as it was not there)
and added a line:


:: means nill password and cvsuser when using on the cvs consoles will be mapped into System user.

The command to connect to the local repository using the newly created cvs user:
cvs -d :pserver:cvsuser@localhost:2401:/tmp/CVS_LOCAL_REPO login
*** Authentication (pserver)
If you want to play around with your local host hosting both the server repository & client workspace,
you may want to disable autherntication by taking the following steps:

1. Update C:\CVS\cvs_server_repository\CVSROOT\config as follows:
# Set this to `no' if pserver shouldn't check system users/passwords
>>>> SystemAuth=no
??? does not seem to work

2. On CVSNT (2.5[2005])) add an anonymous user (Server Settings >> Anonymous user textbox) e.g. cvsuser
to C:\CVS\cvs_server_repository\CVSROOT\passwd file:
just one line

(and providing no password after :). You must be IN !!!

WinCVS keeps the passwords under

Normally it should be in the format (CVS help)
This file is $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd /
Its format is similar to /etc/passwd,
except that it only has two or three fields, username, password, and optional username for the server to use.
For example:


I: Passwords are 13 bytes long and generated by C's crypt command to hash password from single DES with Salt "Rs" - similar to
one used in Unix's when hashing passwords.

Right now, the only way to put a password in the CVS passwd file is to generate it using some soft and then paste it in password file.

@ SEE Wanna create bona-fide passwd file on CVS server with users/pasword below.

Someday, there may be a cvs passwd command (???? CVSNT does it!!!)

Exlipse (CVS) -
add location:
Host: localhost
Respository path: /CVS/cvs_server_repository
user: cvsuser
password: [nothing]
Connection type: pserver
user default port
save password (check)

>>>>> FINISH.

You shoudl be in.

If you want to impersonate some system user with an alias cvs user (say cvsBosh) with blank password, you can do the following:
update the CVSROOT/passwd file with the following line:

cvsBosh::Bosh :: means nill password and cvsBosh when using on the cvs consoles will be mapped into System Bosh user.

It is possible to "map" cvs-specific usernames onto system usernames (i.e., onto system login names) in the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd file by appending a colon and the system username after the password. For example:


Thus, someone remotely accessing the repository on with the following command:

cvs -d checkout foo

would end up running the server under the system identity kfogel, assuming successful authentication.
However, the remote user would not necessarily need to know kfogel's system password,
as the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd file might contain a different password, used only for CVS.
And as the example above indicates, it is permissible to map multiple cvs usernames onto a single system username.

This feature is designed to allow people repository access without full system access
(in particular, see Read-only access); however, also see Password authentication security. Any sort of repository access very likely implies a degree of general system access as well.

????? Right now, the only way to put a password in the CVS passwd file is to paste it there from somewhere else.

*** If stuck with pserver, try sspi protocol - much easier for Widnows NT, it will udpate your $%^&*( passwd file)
without the need to use openSSL and cut/paste:

1. C:\CVS\cvs_server_repository>set cvsroot=:sspi:box2:/CVS/cvs_server_repository

Add a user cvsmv78 that maps to the actual windows mv78 user
2. C:\CVS\cvs_server_repository>cvs passwd -r mv78 -a cvsmv78
Adding user cvsmv78@box2
New Password: blah
Verify Password: blah

>>> in the CVSROOT/passwd file you will see:

Note: the actual window's account's password stays unchanged !!!!
!TEXT= Connect to Apache CVS respository

repository: /home/cvspublic
user: anoncvs
password: anoncvs
connection type: pserver

!TEXT= Wanna create bona-fide passwd file on CVS server with users/pasword

QUOTE: "Right now, the only way to put a password in the CVS passwd file is to paste it there from somewhere else.
Someday, there may be a cvs passwd command"

Want to update the CVSROOT/passwd file with real passowrds? Use openSSL (which mimicks)
Unix's crypto function to generate the password (and hashit) and copy/paste it into CVSROOT/passwd file.

Created here passwd.src file with only entry: letmein (7 bytes, no more - no end of file, etc...)

RUN >>> openssl passwd -in passwd.src

into /CVSROOT/passwd as follows:
now from CVS client can get in via pserver by providing password: letmein.


2. I tried: Use perl's crypt function as follows:
my $pass = "letmein";
my $salt = "Rs";
print crypt ($pass, $salt);
same output!!!

!TEXT= Changing repositories
*** Changing repositories:

* (Hack) Manually Edit CVS/Root in all directories in the sandbox

!TEXT= Viewing past revisons of a file

cvs log: Viewing past revisions of a file:
. . . .
revision 1.12
date: 2004/08/08 15:28:30; author: Tosh; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1; kopt: kv; commitid: 2644116469d0000; filename:;
"from #2"
revision 1.11
date: 2004/08/08 15:24:36; author: Tosh; state: Exp; lines: +4 -0; kopt: kv; commitid: 27c411645b30000; filename:;
no message
. . . .

!TEXT= Revision stamping
You put $Revision$ line in your source text file, CVS will keep it updated
with the current revision number:
e.g. $Revision: 1.5 $

every time you commit / update new .
!TEXT= Status

*** cvs status
* -l local non-recursive (current dir only)
* -R default (recursive)
* -v verbose

cvs status -v

File: Status: Up-to-date
Other statuses could be: Needs Checkout (does not exist in the sandbox, only in repository)
Needs Patch ( get update)

If you expect to use one repository, set the $CVSROOT environment variable to the repository's

> SET CVSROOT=c:\CVS\cvs_server_repository
set CVSROOT=:pserver:charlie@MyServer:/usr/local/cvsrep
set CVSROOT=:pserver:mv78@

full path, in the format :protocol:user@host:path.
It should look something like

ext - ssh access
kserver - Run in Kerberos server mode.
pserver - Run in password server mode.

There are several ways to tell CVS where to find the repository.
1. You can name the repository on the command line explicitly, with the -d (for "directory") option:

$ cvs -d /usr/local/cvsroot checkout module_name

2, sh and bash users should instead have these lines in their .profile or .bashrc:

export CVSROOT

!TEXT= CVS general switches
CVS operations are not atomic, so if someone commits while your are tagging, for example, you may
end up with not what you expect.

*** cvs command
cvs switches:
* -Q (very quiet) / -q (quiet)
* -n - no changes (just query)
* -d - repository path
H /h - help

!TEXT= I want to see or list modules in my repository

*** cvs ls : listing modules in your repository:
Run on server ???
cvs ls
Listing modules on server

!TEXT= Checkout
*** cvs checkout: Getting the Tree:

CVS stores the files in a central repository, but users work from a working copy of a file.
Project on your client machine is sitting in what is called a "sandbox".

CVS will create te sandbox as a subdirectory of your current working directory.
Make a directory to do your work in.
cd into that directory.

(If you don't have a $CVSROOT environment variable, or want to use a different repository,

cvs -d repos_dir checkout project_name

to checkout the module instead).

The checkout will put a copy of that module's files and subdirectories into your cvs directory.

cd C:\cvs_client_side
C:\cvs_client_side>cvs -d c:/cvs/my_repository/ checkout test_project
cvs checkout: Updating test_project
U test_project/
U test_project/

Folder CVS is created:
Directory of C:\cvs_client_side\test_project\CVS

08/04/2004 10:42p 101 Entries
. . .
08/04/2004 09:14p 14 Repository
08/04/2004 09:14p 23 Root

Repository contains project name
Root - the repository location:

C:\cvs_client_side\test_project>more CVS\repository
test_project # the name of the module (project)

C:\cvs_client_side\test_project>more CVS\root
c:/cvs/my_repository/ # server side location

* -P prune empty directories
* -D date or -r revision
* -f force CVS to check out the latest (used with -D or -r)

!TEXT= Merge
You have created YOUR_BRANCH; want to merge it into HEAD.
1. Get HEAD into your local sandbox; cd there
2. cvs update -j YOUR_BRANCH (merging HEAD (current working folder) with BRANCH code via update)
-j == join
CVS will make an honest attempt to merge......

!TEXT= Update (receive changes)
*** cvs update: Receiving Changes
Every day before you start work, and any time someone else may have made and committed
> cd /folder
> cvs update -P -d -C

# getting by revision (revision 1.2) :
> cvs update -p -r 1.2 yourfile.dat
changes, cd into your working directory and run cvs update.
This checks your working copies against the repository files and imports any changed
files for you.

*** update switches
* -C (clean) overwrite files in the sandbox with copies from the repository (cvs update -C file2.dat)
* -l local update (no recursive)
* -R recursive udpate
* -d "download" files & directories (without -d, only files )
* -D or -r update by date / revision number
* -P avoid pulling down empty directories (exclusive with -d)
* -A reset any sticky tags, dates or keywords, replace the existing files in the sandbox with the

revision at the head of the trunk (head sometimes is referred to as trunk).

also gives you any new directories.

Update reports on the status of each file as it checks it:

*U file
updated successfully

*A file
added but not yet committed (need to run a cvs commit)

*R file
removed but not yet committed (need to run a cvs commit)

*M file
modified in your working directory: The file in the sandbox is more recent than the repository version
or the sandox and the repository both had changes that the system could safely merge into your sandbox
copy (need to run a cvs commit)

*C file

there was a conflict between the repository copy and your copy which requires human intervention

*? file
the file is in your working directory but not the repository and CVS doesn't know what to do with it

If CVS can't merge a modified file successfully with the copy in the repository, it announces the conflict in the output of cvs update. The original file is stored in .#file.version in the file's working directory, and the results of the merge are stored as the original filename.

Apply the updates to the repository with

!TEXT= Commit

*** cvs commit

* -l local non-recursive (current dir only)
* -R default (recursive)
* -m "message"
* -F for single file
* -r revision

This command needs to be run from higher in the hierarchy than all the files you have changed -- you can run it from the base of your working copy.

You can also
cvs commit filename
, which will commit a single file or recursively commit a directory.

CVS then opens whichever editor is the default in your environment -- based on the $CVSEDITOR or $EDITOR environment variables.

Use cvs add filename to mark a new file for inclusion. CVS doesn't put the file in the repository until you do a cvs commit.

Directories are added with the same command. Files within a directory can't be added until the directory is added.

!TEXT= Add file

*** cvs add: Adding file
Windows: first
cvs add file
need to commit:
cvs add file (in directory C:\cvs_client_side\test_project\)
cvs add: scheduling file `file' for addition
cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
cvs commit -m "Added line, commited" file

!TEXT= Remove file

*** cvs remove Removing Files:
To mark a file for removal from the working copies, use cvs remove filename. Before CVS will remove a file from the repository, you have to actually delete it from the filesystem. CVS doesn't actually remove the file entirely, it puts it in a special subdirectory in the repository called Attic.

Directories Don't Remove
CVS does not remove directories -- it would break the change tracking. Directories can be removed by changing the repository -- this is discussed in "CVS Administration."

!TEXT= Branching

-b - branch
D2006-03-06T1102-DB2Decomm - branch name
(use script for the date:
$ echo D`date +%FT%H%M-DETAILS`

Abicas-biz - module (folder on server)

$ cvs rtag -b D2006-03-06T1102-DB2Decomm Abicas-biz
cvs rtag: Tagging Abicas-biz
cvs rtag: Tagging Abicas-biz/bizMktStatic
Or simpler, cd to the directory from which you are branching:
cvs tag -b NOV_2006_PROD_FIXES

!TEXT= Tagging
*** cvs tag : Tagging
Tagging is for creating a snapshot in time of a project.

> cvs tag LABEL_1 (the files in sandbox that have been synchronized with repository)

You can use option -f (force) with -r and -D (date)

Unless time is specified, -D 12 Feb 2004, e.g. will instruct cvs to tag the file revisions
as they were at 12:00 am on Feb 12, 2004.

You can use -l (local)

To retrieve a tagged file / files use
> cvs checkout -r LABEL_1 test_project # to create a new sandbox
> cvs update .... # to update the existing sandbox

cvs -d c:/cvs/my_repository/ update -r LABEL_1 # will get you the LABEL_1 into sandbox
# repository will keep the files committed after LABEL_1, but will move current version to
the one tagged by LABEL_1

!TEXT= Annotate dir or file
*** cvs annotate /dir/file
shows the content of a file with insertions of changes as per revisions:
1.1 (Tosh 05-Aug-04): import sun.misc.*;
1.15 (Tosh 13-Aug-04): // LINE 2
1.1 (Tosh 05-Aug-04): //
1.1 (Tosh 05-Aug-04): //
1.1 (Tosh 05-Aug-04): //
1.1 (Tosh 05-Aug-04): public class PBE
1.1 (Tosh 05-Aug-04): {
1.14 (Tosh 08-Aug-04): // File updated locally....
1.14 (Tosh 08-Aug-04): private static int ITERATIONS = 1000;

!TEXT= History
*** cvs log: File /s history

*** cvs release: Releasing a sandbox
cvs release command should be used before you delete a sandbox.
if prompted, run cvs commit or cvs update -A (to remove stickness)
cvs release -d

!TEXT= Setup command line client on Windows
- set path to CVS.exe:
> path = C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\CVSNT;%PATH%

- set CVS root
> set CVSROOT=/cvs/cvs1/cvsroot
(extract it from "@server_name:/cvs/cvs1/cvsroot)

- navigate to the folder where you have your module checked out and run commands:
- run your commands:
# difference of revisions:
cvs diff -r 1.10 -r 1.11

# Grep the history of the file , apply grepping:
cvs log | grep -n3 'jndi'

# update revision:
cvs update -r 1.22

# Label the directory
cd your_dir
cvs tag LABEL_1
(the files in sandbox that have been synchronized with repository)

# Create a branch
cvs rtag -b D2006-03-06T1102-DB2Decomm Abicas-biz

# Add a new file:
cd your_dir
cvs add
cvs commit -m "New better file"

# Getting by revision (revision 1.2) :
cvs update -r 1.2

# Update folder:
cd /folder
cvs update -P -d -C (-A -reset sticky flag)
# List folders (modules) in server repository (module is an alias to a folder that can be set)
# Windows command line:
set CVSROOT=:pserver:user@
# set path to cvs.exe
cvs login
>password: ....
cvs ls
> listing modules on server
> virtual modules on server (CVSROOT/modules file)
module_1 fresh_one
(mod name/alias) (folder name)

#Check out a module:
cd C:\cvs_client_side
cvs [-d $CVSROOT] checkout YOUR_MODULE
!TEXT= More on basic stuff
!TEXT= Suggested TAG names
Setting branch name: D2005-10-04T2000-R51b

Tag naming convention:
D`date +%FT%H%M-CR_NUMBER-prod` (e.g. D2006-01-12T1111-CR1909248-prod for Jan 12 11:11)
One can use the command above (Bash / Kornshell) to generate the timestamp

If code needs to be relabeled (retagged), the time portion of the label will change.
So possibly, there may be more than one tag / label for same CR, e.g.

may be followed by a new tag (for same CR number) at say 15:12 January 14:

Tagging from command line:
> Admin > Command Line | Ctl-L
cvs rtag -r

tag module module_name:
cvs rtag -r D2005-10-04T2000-R51b D2006-01-12T1111-CR1909248-prod module_name

Basics of WinCVS:
Make sure you have cvs.exe installed, so

If you don't see CVSNT installer after wincvs_setup.exe completion, run cvsnt_setup.exe separately.

Both executables are included in the WinCVS 2.

Start WinCVS
> Admin > Login >

(note, no closing '/')

If you want to change the CVSROOT, you will need to
Admin > Logout >

Select your local repository folder as you like it.
> Remote > Check0ut module >

Redub the CVSROOT from login,
if you have a path to the module,e.g. Path_to_module/ (module (folder) is not at the same level as the CVSROOT Folder on the CVS server), put the absolute path:


(no starting '/' on the path or module)
